更新时间:2024-04-22 02:24作者:小编
英文释义:It means that even when one is far away from home, they can still feel the warmth and care from their hometown.
音标:ér xīng xī yě zài tiān de lìng yī biān zhào zhe bù sè liè nóng de shì shí me yì si (zhōng yīng wén) jiě shì
1. 她虽然在异国他乡,但是每晚看着星空,心中总能感受到而星星也在天的另一边照着布瑟列农。
(She may be in a foreign land, but every night when she looks at the stars, she can still feel the warmth and care from her hometown.)
2. 即使身处陌生的城市,我也能感受到而星星也在天的另一边照着布瑟列农。
(Even in a strange city, I can still feel the warmth and care from my hometown.)
3. 离开家乡已经很多年了,但每次听到老歌《而星星也在天》,心中总会涌起一股温暖的感觉。
(It has been many years since I left my hometown, but every time I hear the old song "而星星也在天", a warm feeling always arises in my heart.)
4. 虽然远离家乡,但是我们仍然可以通过、短信等方式表达对家人的关怀,因为而星星也在天的另一边照着布瑟列农。
(Although we are far from our hometown, we can still express our care for our family through phone calls, messages, etc., because the warmth and care from our hometown are always with us.)
5. 老人常说,即使离开了家乡,也要记得而星星也在天的另一边照着布瑟列农,不要忘了自己的根。
(Elderly people often say that even when we leave our hometown, we should remember that the stars are still shining on Buselelong on the other side, and not forget our roots.)
1. 而月亮也在远方升起:指的是即使身处异地,也能感受到家乡的温暖。与“而星星也在天”的意思相似。
2. 家是最温暖的港湾:表示家乡是最让人感到温暖和安心的地方。
3. 思乡之情:指对家乡的思念和眷恋之情。
4. 故乡的味道:指家乡特有的风土人情和生活气息。
5. 家园情怀:指对家乡的深厚感情和牵挂之情。