更新时间:2024-04-22 16:37作者:小编
藏头露尾:cáng tóu lòu wěi
1. 这篇文章写得很巧妙,作者巧妙地运用了藏头露尾的手法,让读者在不知不觉中接受了他想表达的观点。
This article is well-written, the author cleverly used the technique of "hiding the head and revealing the tail", making readers unconsciously accept his point of view.
2. 这位家擅长使用藏头露尾的手法,在演讲中总是能够巧妙地掩盖自己的真实意图。
This politician is good at using the technique of "hiding the head and revealing the tail", always able to cleverly conceal his true intentions in speeches.
3. 这则新闻报道明显是采用了藏头露尾的手法,把焦点放在次要内容上,而忽略了真正重要的内容。
This news report clearly uses the technique of "hiding the head and revealing the tail", focusing on minor details while ignoring the truly important information.
4. 他的行为总是藏头露尾,让人难以捉摸他的真实想法。
His behavior is always "hiding the head and revealing the tail", making it difficult for others to grasp his true thoughts.
5. 这家公司在宣传中使用了藏头露尾的手法,夸大了自己的产品优点,却掩盖了缺陷。
This company used the technique of "hiding the head and revealing the tail" in their promotion, exaggerating their product's advantages while concealing its flaws.
1. 暗藏玄机:指隐藏着深奥含义或秘密。
2. 遮遮掩掩:指故意隐瞒或掩盖。
3. 转移视线:指通过其他事物吸引注意力,从而转移对重要内容的关注。
4. 装聋作哑:指故意不听不看、不表态,以逃避责任或问题。
5. 掩耳盗铃:比喻自欺欺人、掩盖。