更新时间:2024-04-23 00:03作者:小编
言行相顾(yán xíng xiāng gù)是一个成语,由“言”和“行”两个字组成,意为说话和做事要相互符合,不能相互矛盾。这个成语主要用来形容一个人的言语和行动一致,表现出态度坚定、信念坚定的。
yán xíng xiāng gù [yán xíng xiāng gù]
1. 他是一个值得信赖的人,他的言行相顾,从来不会让人失望。
He is a trustworthy person, his words and actions are always consistent and never disappoint people.
2. 在公司里,我们要求员工言行相顾,做到说到做到。
In the company, we require employees to be consistent in their words and actions, to do what they say.
3. 作为领导者,你必须言行相顾,在公众面前展现出良好的形象。
As a leader, you must be consistent in your words and actions, and present a good image in public.
4. 只有当我们言行相顾时,才能赢得别人的尊重和信任。
Only when we are consistent in our words and actions, can we win the respect and trust of others.
5. 她的言行相顾,让人感受到她的诚意和真诚。
Her consistency in words and actions makes people feel her sincerity and authenticity.
1. 言行一致:也可以用来表示言行相顾,指一个人说话和做事一致。
2. 言行一体:指言语和行动融为一体,没有矛盾。
3. 一言九鼎:形容一个人的话非常可靠,有力量。
4. 信而有征:指说话有根据,做事有依据。