更新时间:2024-04-23 02:50作者:小编
What does "语无伦次" mean in Chinese and English:
"语无伦次" means that the thoughts are confused and the expression is not clear during speaking or writing. It refers to the lack of ability to accurately convey ideas.
yǔ wú lún cì
How to read (pronunciation):
"语无伦次" can be used to describe someone's lack of ability to express themselves, or to describe content such as articles or speeches lacking logic and coherence. It is commonly used in conversations or when commenting on articles.
1. 他在演讲时总是语无伦次,听得我们一头雾水。
He always speaks incoherently during his speeches, leaving us confused.
2. 她的文章写得很有趣,但是有些地方还是有些语无伦次。
Her article is very interesting, but there are still some parts that are incoherent.
3. 我的想法很清晰,但是每次要表达出来却总是语无伦次。
My thoughts are clear, but whenever I try to express them, it becomes incoherent.
4. 他的思维混乱,所以写出来的东西也是语无伦次的。
His thoughts are chaotic, so what he writes is also incoherent.
5. 我们需要一个清晰的逻辑结构,而不是一堆语无伦次的想法。
We need a clear logical structure, not a bunch of incoherent ideas.
1. 语无伦次 (yǔ wú lún cì):表达能力不足,缺乏条理性。
2. 言不达意 (yán bù dá yì):言辞含糊,无法准确表达意思。
3. 言之无物 (yán zhī wú wù):说话没有实质内容,空洞无物。
4. 胡言乱语 (hú yán luàn yǔ):说话或写作时毫无条理,没有逻辑性。
5. 独白症 (dú bái zhèng):指口若悬河、滔滔不绝地自言自语。
1. 语无伦次 (yǔ wú lún cì): lack of ability to express oneself, lack of coherence.
2. 言不达意 (yán bù dá yì): vague words, unable to accurately express ideas.
3. 言之无物 (yán zhī wú wù): speaking without substance, empty and meaningless.
4. 胡言乱语 (hú yán luàn yǔ): incoherent speech or writing, lacking logic.
5. 独白症 (dú bái zhèng): refers to talking endlessly and constantly to oneself.