更新时间:2024-04-17 15:21作者:小编
忙里偷闲反愈忙:máng lǐ tōu xián fǎn yù máng
1. 忙里偷闲反愈忙,你还是赶紧把这份报告写完吧。
Taking breaks in the midst of busyness will only make you even busier. You should finish this report as soon as possible.
2. 我知道你很累,但是别忘了“忙里偷闲反愈忙”这句话。
I know you're tired, but don't forget the saying "taking breaks in the midst of busyness will only make you even busier".
3. 他总是喜欢玩手机,忘记了“忙里偷闲反愈忙”的道理。
He always likes to play with his phone, forgetting the lesson of "taking breaks in the midst of busyness will only make you even busier".
4. 虽然工作很忙,但是我不想因为“忙里偷闲反愈忙”而拖延下去。
Although work is busy, I don't want to procrastinate because of the saying "taking breaks in the midst of busyness will only make you even busier".
5. 不要让“忙里偷闲反愈忙”成为你的借口,努力工作才能取得成功。
Don't let "taking breaks in the midst of busyness will only make you even busier" be your excuse, working hard is the key to success.
1. 忙中偷闲:指在繁忙的工作中抽出时间来放松或娱乐。
2. 投机取巧:指利用各种手段来获得不劳而获的利益。
3. 懒散怠工:指懒惰和不努力工作。
4. 逃避责任:指回避自己应该承担的责任和义务。