更新时间:2024-04-17 15:33作者:小编
忧心如焚(yōu xīn rú fén),是一个成语,意思是非常担忧和焦虑,形容内心十分痛苦和不安。这个成语由“忧心”和“如焚”两个词组成,形象地比喻内心被烈火所燃烧,无法平静。
1. 作谓语,形容内心的担忧和不安。
2. 作定语,修饰名词,表示非常担忧的状态。
1. 她得知丈夫出了车祸,整个人都忧心如焚。
She was in a state of great anxiety when she heard that her husband had a car accident.
2. 面对公司的经营困难,总经理忧心如焚。
Faced with the company's operational difficulties, the general manager was extremely worried.
3. 孩子生病了,母亲整夜都忧心如焚。
When her child fell ill, the mother was worried all night long.
4. 考试前夕,学生们都忧心如焚。
On the eve of the exam, students were all in a state of great anxiety.
5. 父亲看到儿子被欺负,内心忧心如焚却无能为力。
The father was heartbroken and helpless when he saw his son being bullied.
1. 忧虑万分:形容内心的担忧和不安,程度更深。
2. 焦虑不安:形容内心的不安和焦虑,程度稍轻。
3. 担忧忧虑:形容内心的担忧和焦虑,程度相当。
4. 心如火焚:比喻内心非常痛苦和焦虑,与“忧心如焚”意思相同。
5. 心事重重:指内心有许多烦恼和担忧。